Picking the Perfect Polish

We have all been there, staring into the sea of nail polish colors hanging on the wall. The chemical free Zoya nail polish has a wide array of colors and shades for every skin type. But what colors are the best for you? Depending on the time of year, you may have to choose a few to determine which one looks the best. However, usually ESSpa’s nail technicians follow this kind of procedure for picking the right polish.

There are a lot of factors in choosing the best color. For manicures, we usually suggest a French manicure or natural hue like soft pink, sheer white or even light beige. Unless you have a darker skin tone and can pull off rich dark colors (black, brown, bronze, and red) in the fall and winter seasons. For Pedicures, you have much more lea way to experiment with different shades. If you have a fair skin tone, stick with lighter shades so they don’t wash you out. Ladies with darker skin tones can pull off pretty much any color they would like. Except keep in mind, you don’t want to choose too much sparkle and glitter shades if you aren’t used to it. If you have any imperfections in your nail beds, choose a color that is a creamy instead of frosted because they can sometimes accentuate the imperfection.

Try to stay away from yellow and light green because it won’t look good on anyone. It will almost look like fungus among us! Yikes!

But hey, it’s your nails, so have fun with it, your kids might love your crazy colors, or you may want to play around with nail art and neon colors for your vacation. It’s your nails, and you have to love it. But professionally speaking, stick with our tips, and it will sure look great!
P.S. – Always keep up with your manicures and pedicures all year round. People might not see your toes in those snow boots but regular pedicures and manicures can help prevent ingrown nails, calluses, excessive cuticle growth, and dry skin which may cause a problem if left untreated.

ESSpa Kozmetika Organic Skincare & Day Spa exists within an organically restored WWI-era auto dealership located just 8 miles north of Downtown Pittsburgh in Aspinwall Borough. Eva and her team of Hungarian-trained professionals use only the finest and handmade products in facials, massages, body and nail treatments that are each designed to go beyond mere relaxation and deliver better-looking, healthy skin. It is Eva’s belief that a trip to a spa should never be considered a luxury and that regular visits to ESSpa Kozmetika Organic Skincare treatments are true preventative medicine that should be routine for the entire family – even children.

For more information contact:
Scott Kerschbaumer
17 Brilliant Ave
Pittsburgh, Pa 15215

Published in: on January 31, 2009 at 10:17 pm  Leave a Comment  

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